Membership & Perks


While you can sign up for a Gameologist membership just by signing up for mailing list, all other memberships will only be available through our crowdfunding site until further notice.

Make the most of your gaming experience by enrolling as a Gameology Academy Member


Just by enrolling as a Member, you can access discounts and benefits to enhance your gaming experience at Diversions!

Master of Gameology

For just $5 per month, you can get exclusive access and deals that will make every visit to Diversions even more enjoyable!

Doctor of Gameology

Maximize your game nights with Diversions for only $10 per month, which pays for itself in just ONE visit to Diversions!

Fine print & details:

+ All free food, drink, and discount roll benefits are granted once per day.

+ Memberships are available in 6 month increments and are non-refundable.
-- Memberships are valid for the individual who has paid for the membership or one person they have gifted or designated to received the membership benefits.
-- Gameologist level memberships will remain active for one year after the most recent visit or one year after the last marketing email was opened, which ever comes later. ----- Master/Doctor Gameology memberships expire on the last day of the months paid for.

*Discount roll: Gameologists rolls a D20 (20-sided die); the result (i.e. the number showing on the top of the die) is the percentage of discount they receive on their highest priced item for that visit

**Discount roll with advantage: Master/Doctor Gameologists get two discount rolls and can choose the better role for their discount

Free table reservations: Doctor Gameologists and guests will still need to pay the library fee if they or their group wish to play games from Diversions game library

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Diversions on social media?

Easy, peasy -- just look at the bottom of our website, you will find the links to our social media profiles in the footer. 

Alternatively, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok — just search for the username diversions.ic on any of those platforms and we should pop right up! You also can find our profile on under the username diversionsic.

Each perk includes being listed on a recognition plaque — what is that?

All contributors to our campaign will have their name listed on a plaque that will be displayed prominently in our space. Come and find your name and then let us get you set up to play your first game in our space! NOTE: Supporters can have their full name listed, their initials, their business name, the name of their pet(s), their partners name, anonymous, etc. — it's your support, and you can be recognized however you wish (within reason!)

A Gameologist membership costs nothing on your website, but costs $1 on this campaign — why is that?

Indiegogo doesn't allow for perks to be claimed without a monetary value, so we set the price at $1 to make it as accessible as possible. If you would like the benefits of the membership but aren't comfortable with donating through Indiegogo, we invite you to go to our website and enroll in the Diversions Gameology Academy for free!

The space you are proposing is similar to the recently-closed game cafe, Fortuna -- how do you plan to avoid the same fate as Fortuna?

We enjoyed playing games at Fortuna and hope to recreate our favorite aspects of it at Diversions. We have talked with Fortuna's owner and game shop owners across the Midwest to hear their advice and lessons learned. Based on those perspectives and our own ideas, our business plan includes some significant differences from Fortuna, including an emphasis on food and drink, memberships, and regular events. You can read more on our business plan here (

When and where are you opening?

We are avidly searching for the right location in the Iowa City area! With the financial support of this crowdfunding campaign, we plan to sign a lease and open our doors by the end of summer 2024.

If I have a spouse/significant other(s), are the benefits shareable with them?

Perks and/or membership benefits are for the individual who has paid for the membership or one person they have gifted or designated to received the membership benefits. We love the enthusiasm of sharing, and we may roll out a 'family' style membership in the future!