Mission & Values

Businesses are run by people, and those people bring their values to the work they do. At Diversions, we are excited to bring our personal value into this space, and we are inspired by the example set by the Queer Elders, business owners, and community members who have educated us, held space for us, and been an example for many.

Diversions's Values: Accessibility, Respect, Equity, Community, Generosity, Queerness, Curiosity, Playfulness, Sustainability


Diversions is committed to prioritizing equipment, language, and perspectives that maximize how many people can enjoy our space and events. We trust our community to inform us when changes are needed to lower barriers and increase usability, and we will continually learn about and invest in better accommodations. 


Diversions recognizes that we are only a small part of multiple, larger communities, and that many individuals in those communities might not share the same opinions or needs. We are committed to the learning and conversations required to better understand the needs of the communities, customers, staff, and collaborators we work with, and to use what we learn to better serve all parties.


Diversions acknowledges that we exist in a society which is influenced by privilege, oppression, bigotry, and ignorance. We are committed to the learning required to resist that influence, acknowledge it, and follow up with actions that are informed and/or led by the perspectives of individuals and communities which are most often marginalized in our society. 


Diversions strives to be a gathering space, a hub for activity and connection, and a reflection of the Iowa City area. In an age of growing loneliness, we believe that providing opportunities to bring people together has never been more important. Diversions is committed to pursuing collaboration and partnerships that strengthen our sense of community. 


Diversions recognizes the shortcomings in the capitalistic and individualistic values prioritized by much of our world. When our own resources allow, we will invest in our local community and support the folks who make Diversions possible.We are committed to operating more communally, sharing our resources willingly, and learning about new ways we can operate to minimize the influences of capitalism and individualism. 


Diversions is owned by two proudly queer individuals, and we see Queerness as a key asset to our work in two ways. We take pride in the Queer community, the rich history that informs our work today, and the Queer community leaders and organizations who have shaped and mentored countless individuals like us. Additionally, we believe that approaching situations in unique and novel (i.e. queer) ways. 


Diversions believes that learning never stops and that some things can only be learned by asking intentional questions. We are committed to asking questions—of ourselves and our community—to better understand the ways we can improve our work, in addition to maintaining an open and welcoming approach to the feedback we receive. 


Diversions is, first and foremost, a space for gaming, and gaming comes in many flavors. Our priority will be to foster an inclusive experience of play through our events, the language we use, and the games we offer. We will work to maintain the sense of joy and delight that we believe is integral to the kind of gaming space we want Diversions to be. 


Diversions recognizes that resources are not limitless, even those that may be renewable, from the personal to the global level. We are committed to ethical purchasing practices and utilizing environmentally-conscious products, in addition to maintaining labor expectations that respect the reality that people need rest and recovery to balance the work they do.